DaJiMed team attended the conference of “the 90th China International Medical Equipment Fair(Autumn)” . It was nice and fruitful to have some knowledge, experience and innovation exchange with the experts in medical field.
Keep learning, keep improving! Thanks for CMEF, it provides a world-leading medical and health technology platform for connecting with various professionals, establishing the network in healthcare etc.. DaJiMed’s Leukocyte reduction filter, as one unique technology in blood transfusion, connected multiple dept.’s collaboration between hospitals, blood banks and blood centers. During the conf., we met some old friends and customers in field of blood from China, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh etc.. We had some insightful discussions with the companies in transfusion, made some evaluation and explored its collaboration opportunities on some innovative products. Also, it deepened our understanding and knowledge on lots of blood related products and their current development.
Предыдущая страница: Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Следующая страница: Leucoreduction: The best method of preventing side effect of contaminated WBCs
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